I love being me!

I have decided that I really and truly love to be me. Most who look at my life would wonder why, I imagine, I would love to be me. I am not swimming in wealth or fame, I am not model material, I am single, living my life as best I can, in a world that values the wrong things and allows their lives to be robbed of true life.

I love being me because I have Jesus Christ! Sometimes I can forget the wonder of belonging to the King of kings, but today, as I sat at my desk at work, I realized that I truly love being me.

I am beautiful and nothing can be said to change that. I find my worth in the eyes of the Beholder. I love my personality and the quirks that define me as ‘Julie’. I love the friends that truly love me for who I am, the ones that allow me to be me without feeling like I’ll be rejected should they come to really and truly know me.

I love my life, with my three dogs, my cat, my mom, my friends, my family, and my church. I love that I have a wonderful, attentive Savior that guards me and leads me, teaches and heals, strengthens and renews. I love that I have mediocre talent in art and photography and singing and above average talent in writing. I love that God has given me the gifts of leadership, teaching, and initiating that I can use to edify my church family.

I love that I can see myself differently now, that I can look in the mirror and see the beauty that lay sleeping for so long. I am sleeping beauty and the kiss of my Prince has awoken me at last!

I love that I have been offered a new chance at things that I had failed at before and that God makes it appear so effortless when I look back. I love how encouraged I feel when I think about my life, my future, my past, my dreams, my goals, and the promises my Beloved has whispered to me. I love that someday I will see all that He promised come to pass, despite my journeys through the valley of doubt and worry. I love that I can be confident and sure of my Beloved’s love for me, that it never lessens, that it never grows fickle or cold, that it never turns to indifference.

I love being me! 🙂

2 thoughts on “I love being me!

  1. You are amazing! What an incredible journey. I’m so happy you’ve done this. I predice you could be, do or have anything you want Julie. From this love, this truth you can do anything.

  2. Pingback: I Adore The Lord But I Feel I Am Useless And Unwanted By Him - Christian Chat Rooms & Forums

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